Itchy Skin Rash? You Could Have A Mold Allergy!

I have one patient who, almost every spring, comes in with an inflamed, itchy, sometimes swollen and very uncomfortable sunburn-like rash on her face.  At first it was a little tricky diagnosing the cause of her rash as there were several possibilities of what may have caused it.  After ruling out several possibilities, and doing … Read more

Rosacea: Get Rid Of The Redness

Rosacea can have profound social implications. People often think that a rosacea sufferer may even be a heavy drinker as the redness can mimic the same flushed face that frequently accompanies drinking alcohol. Rosacea patients often avoid social outings, or even going to work, as they are so self-conscious. It can be a distressing and embarrassing condition. As I tell my patients, there are several things you can do to both prevent outbreaks of rosacea and minimize its appearance when they do occur. Let me share with you what those things are.

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