Hypnosis: It Isn’t Just Hocus Pocus!

Some of my patients struggle with health issues due to unhealthy habits such as drinking too much, smoking, overeating the wrong foods leading to high blood sugar and cholesterol levels, nail biting, etc. In order to help them gain control of their health-diminishing habits, I sometimes refer them to a medical hypnotherapist.

Stop the Stress Assault on Your Body

With the advancement of modern medicine it’s become obvious to the health community that your mental and physical well-being is strongly linked together. The good news is that recognizing this problem is leading to better treatment in dealing with stress. But first I want you to understand what chemical reactions your body goes through when you are under stress.

Protecting Your Brain And Revitalizing Your Memory!

The greatest gift you have as a human being is your intelligence… your “brain power.” Your ability to reason, to solve problems and, most important, to remember – is what makes you the individual that you are. Loss of this ability, particularly memory loss, either short-term or long-term, is a frightening prospect for anyone. In … Read more

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