COPD and Anorexia: Are You Starving To Breathe?

A few of my patients suffer with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Often, they do not want to eat much as it can put pressure on their lungs and make it harder to breathe comfortably.  There are also other reasons why their relationship with food becomes difficult which I’ll explain below.  The end result, however, … Read more

Let ORACs Keep You Healthy

When I ask my patients how many ORACs they take in a day, they give me a kind of lost look.  One patient humorously asked me once, “Is that some kind of fruit?” Well, yes and no.  ORACs are in fruit – but they’re not a food per se.  Let me share with you what … Read more

What Yoga Can Do For Your Joints And Bones

Frequently I hear my patients complain that they feel stiff all over especially in the morning when they first get out of bed. It takes them several moments of stumbling around and/or taking a warm shower before they can finally limber up. When I tell them that there is a form of exercise that can help banish that stiffness and creaky joints, their response is often one of surprise. It’s true, though. That exercise is the ages-old practice of Yoga. Here’s why.

An Herbal Remedy for Altitude Sickness

One of my patients recently moved from his sea level home here in Florida to the desert mountain city of Santa Fe. He called me shortly after he moved—he hadn’t found a new doctor yet—reporting that he felt awful. He was tired all the time and grew short of breath easily. I realized at once that he was being affected by the altitude gain. He’d moved from sea level up more than 5000 feet and the thinner air was taking its toll.

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