Gray Hair Not A Sign Of Old Age – Rather A Sign Of Deficiencies!

My patients often complain to me about getting more and more gray hairs all the time.  It makes them feel older and deflates their spirit every time they look in the mirror.  They want to know if there’s anything they can do about it besides coloring it. I reassure them that although graying hair is … Read more

Nerve Pain Could Be a Food Allergy

Every now and then a patient will come in complaining of mysterious pains, and sometimes numbness, that seem to be unrelated to exercise, injury, medications (blood pressure, cholesterol), or prolonged cramped sleep positions, etc. I tell these patients who have these complaints that their quirky pains just might be caused by something they haven’t considered…a food allergy. Here’s what I tell my patients about food allergy substances you may be ingesting every day that can be causing your nerve pain.

Fortified Foods In Moderation Add Nutrition

In our tough economy, my patients frequently ask me how they can keep their nutrition up and their food costs down especially when it seems that the healthiest foods are the most expensive. They ask me about including fortified foods in their diet as a way of getting the most nutritional bang for their dwindling food bucks. Like my patients, you may wonder about the value of adding fortified foods to your diet. Allow me to explain and give you some recommendations and cautions about adding fortified foods to your diet.

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