Build Muscle With Glutamine

Why Build Muscle Mass? One of the most important things we can do for ourselves as we get older is maintain good muscle mass. It not only keeps us looking trim and fit but it helps us do even the simplest daily activities even better. Many of my patients do strength training with weights several … Read more

Reclaim the Energy of Youth

I call DHEA the “anti-stress hormone.” It’s the most abundant product of the adrenal glands. DHEA is the precursor used by your body to produce sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. You have a lot when you’re young but production dwindles with age.

Diabetes and low testosterone

Several of my male patients who are troubled with low testosterone levels have also been found to have type 2 diabetes. In fact, the two conditions share many of the same symptoms (see more below) like erectile dysfunction and fatigue, which are usually symptoms that bring male patients in to see me. Balancing the two hormones of insulin and testosterone are not only important to a man’s sexual function but also to his overall good health – in fact, his life may even depend on it.

What You Must Know About Trans Fat

I often discuss the importance of eating a balanced diet. Today, I want to tell you about one important component of a healthy eating plan that is often misunderstood. I’m talking about dietary fat. If you are struggling to maintain a healthy diet or lose weight, fat is just as necessary as lean protein, whole … Read more

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