Probiotics Aid Digestion As Well As Prevent Cancer And Diabetes

In several of my previous newsletters, I’ve told you about the benefits of taking probiotics to aid in digestion.  Now, I’d like to tell you about another benefit of taking probiotics  – helping to prevent cancer.   Here’s how. Probiotics Suppress Bacteria and Inflammation You may recall my telling you previously that after age 30 your … Read more

Emotional Eating Disorders Affect Millions- Don’t Be Another Statistic

Like many of my patients, perhaps as a child you were given some treat like ice cream, chips, candy, or a cookie, or some other favorite food, when something upset you, in a well-meaning effort by parents or caregivers to calm you down and get you to smile again. If so, you were unwittingly programmed … Read more

Bye Bye Digestive Problems

Some of the most common complaints I get from patients centers around their digestive issues, especially in my over 40 patients.  Seems things they used to be able to eat just don’t sit well with them anymore, or they are frequently bothered with constipation, gas, cramps, acid reflux, or bloating.  As I tell my patients, … Read more

Acid Reflux: Stop It From Keeping You Awake

When heartburn occurs more than only occasionally, and you find yourself spending many nights awake burping up hot acid into your throat, you may actually have acid reflux disease. It has the same symptoms as common heartburn but it is caused by something more than the occasional dietary lapse. Here’s what I tell my patients about acid reflux.

Protect Your Cells From Cancer – Eat Your Vegetables

Nearly all vegetables are rich in antioxidants. And it’s been proven that antioxidants are effective at neutralizing free radicals in your body. As I have mention in the past it’s these free radical scavengers that can lead to cellular damage and possibly some form of cancer. So, it makes sense that eating more vegetables can not only be good for you…but help prevent cancer.

Microwaves…Friend Or Foe?

I have to admit that a microwave is not the healthiest way to cook. I’m sure most of you have been using a microwave for some time so please don’t stop entirely on account of what I’m about to tell you. But I am going to suggest you limit using it to preparing the occasional snack or disinfecting your kitchen sponges. There is enough evidence to suggest that they can destroy important nutrients in your food.

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