Colon Cancer Awareness and Tips

March is National Colorectal Cancer Prevention month so I thought I’d give my readers some tips about how to prevent colon cancer.  More than 90% of people diagnosed with colon cancer are over the age of 50 – the age recommended for initial screening.  If you’re over age 50, you’ll want to read about what’s … Read more

Help Prevent Disease With DIM, A Cancer-Fighting, Super-Nutrient

Many of patients are menopausal women and men older than 50.  This is the age group where mid-life hormonal shifts and changes can become problematic and set the stage for the onset of future health problems, like breast cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer, if left unchecked.  The problematic hormone that can get out of … Read more

Alcohol In Moderation Can Have Health Benefits

To be sure, there is conflicting medical advice available about alcohol drinking. However, the key word to remember is moderation. Heavy drinking always leads to health problems. It can adversely affect your heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and bladder. It can lead to diabetes, depression, breast cancer, not to mention numerous social problems. What do I mean by heavy drinking? More than 2 drinks a day, 7 days a week. Yet, recent research shows that moderate alcohol, 1 drink a day, or less, can actually protect your health. Let me explain why.

Beat Constipation With Food, Not Drugs

Unfortunately, the typical American diet is sadly devoid of fiber. And if you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from gas, constipation, and bloating the lack of fiber could be placing your health in risk. Not eating enough fiber could be the catalyst to many serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

The Routine Tests Every Man Should Have

One of the worst things I have to do as a doctor is break bad news to a patient. Whether I have to tell someone they have heart disease, diabetes, or a problem with their prostate, it’s always difficult. Fortunately, most of my patients follow my advice about getting routine screenings. This means that my … Read more

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