The Most Important Healthy Question You Need Answered!

No matter how much you strive to eat right, there will always be days when you don’t get enough fruits and vegetables, or you don’t have the time to cook a healthy dinner. It happens to all of us. Not only can a daily supplement pick up the slack on hectic days, but it can provide additional benefits you may not be aware of.

Green Tea: The Beverage Choice Of The Healthy!

One natural health solution that is receiving a huge level of attention from the medical community is green tea. After water, tea is the most popular beverage worldwide. Here in the United States, Americans do not consume as much tea as the Chinese or Japanese, but convincing research suggests that it may be time for all of us to make green tea a daily part of our healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy Eating Dairy Products Again

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, as many of my patients do, you may be tempted to shun all milk products. This may not be necessary. In order to help my patients experience more pleasure and less stress due to eating, I have researched natural ways to deal with the common problem of lactose intolerance.

The Skinny On Nuts

Until recently, no one considered them “diet food.” Nuts were thought of as too fatty and high in calories to be part of a healthy meal plan. Thanks to several major studies, the tides have officially turned. I want to share the multitude of benefits associated with this new superfood and show you how to make nuts part of your healthy diet.

You Are What You Eat

While a healthy diet cannot cure most medical problems, it can keep your body in optimal condition to fight disease. Just think of food as fuel. If you give your body high quality fuel, it will run better and longer than if you feed it with junk.

Bee Propolis

Did you know that one of the oldest folk remedies is something that is probably in your pantry at this very moment? Naturally sweet honey has been used for centuries to soothe upset stomachs and treat wounds. I personally use honey not only in many of my dinner recipes but also when I’m feeling “under … Read more

Who Is To Blame For Baldness?

With all the advertising going on about hair transplants, hair replacement systems and the variety of hair remedies, you can imagine how many men are affected with this problem. But I bet you’ll be surprised when I tell you that plenty of women who come into my office also complain about thinning hair.

Could Nintendo Or Sudoku Be Your Best Bet For Brain Power?

In past newsletters, I’ve shared my personal commitment to fitness with you. There’s no question that when it comes to keeping the body in shape, you either “use it or lose it.” That’s why I do regular cardiovascular and strength workouts, even when my busy schedule threatens to take over. I know that sticking to an exercise regimen will keep me energized today and help me stay active as I age.

The Super Antioxidant Source You Could Be Missing

Everyday, I try to do something good for my heart. In a perfect world, I would go to the gym everyday, but in real life, I’m happy to make time for a brisk 30-minute walk. On days when I don’t even have half an hour to devote to exercise, I rely on my secret weapon. It almost sounds too good to be true, but studies have shown that pomegranate juice has multiple health benefits that include boosting the body’s most important muscle–the heart.

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